Taking into account of our common challenges regarding the climate crisis, environmental pollution and biodiversity destruction; Acknowledging the necessity for Green Just transition from fossil to renewable energy; Recognizing the corruption and organized crime, which like the pollution exceed the borders of our respected countries, as one of the biggest threats to democracy and the well-being of our citizens; Firmly committed to respecting and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms as an essential element of every modern democracy and prosperous society; Acknowledging the need to maintain peace, stability, security and cooperation in the region; Highlighting the necessity for accelerated integration of the region into the EU, We the undersigned Green political organizations from the Western Balkan region hereto agree: To establish an operational and functional Platform for cooperation to communicate our individual and joint challenges concerning issues of the domestic and regional Western Balkan policies, as well as to cease the opportunity to accelerate the process of European integration of the region; To organise joint actions along with other activists aimed at protecting the environment, natural resources and human rights of all our citizens across the region to secure and safeguard clean air, water, and land; To educate our citizens and find solutions to reduce poverty and ensure decent life thorugh adequate wages and pension insurance; To help strengthen the model of local self-government to have more direct influence on the environment and the protection of basic human rights of its citizens; Undertake responsibility to further discuss models and structure of this platform that should be established in the following 6 (six) months and the process should result in formation of realistic, but ambitious goals for joint action, structure of this Green platform and written and adopted procedures which should define our further path towards greener, fairer and safer future for the region; To invite other Green participants from the neighboring countries of the region, who are willing to jointly discuss and seek the solutions for the issues of the mutual concern. Agreed and signed on 25th March by and between the Green political organizations of the Western Balkans.
Stranka Zajedno najoštrije osuđuje napade huligana na roditelje maloletnih dečaka koji se desio juče na međunarodnom dečijem sportskom turniru na Ilidži. Takođe, pozdravljamo brzu reakciju sarajevskog MUP-a, koja je uhapsila četvoricu napadača koji su suzavcem, bakljama i noževima napali roditelje maloletnih dečaka iz Srbije. Postavlja se pitanje zašto nam se ovakvi incidenti i dalje događaju? Zašto u ovom regionu i dalje vladaju mržnje i netrpeljivosti bilo na nacionalnoj, verskoj ili nekoj drugoj osnovi. Ti napadači iz Sarajeva su dvadesetogodišnjaci, rođeni u toku ili nakon ratova devedesetih. Šta njih može navesti da napadnu nekoga ko je drugačiji od njih, a pritom prvi komšija? Može ih navesti upravo zaostala politika i retorika iz devedesetih godina, kada niko od nas posle pada Berlinskog zida nije znao ni kud će ni gde će. Navode ih političari i mediji koji takvu ratnohuškačku i neprijateljsku retoriku ispoljavaju na dnevnom nivou, a takvih ima svuda na ovim prostorima. Svuda vlada populizam! Pa dokle ljudi tako? Ono što stranka Zejedno predlaže kao vid rešenja, kao način da ovaj naš region, da Zapadni Balkan ponovo bude miran, da se smanje tenzije i netrepeljivosti, jeste održavanje Međunarodne konferencije. Srbija treba što pre da izađe sa planom za rešenje svih vitalnih, otvorenih, problema na Zapadnom Balkanu i da traži održavanje te Međunarodne konferencije, uz učešće svih političkih entiteta iz regiona, EU i zemalja Kvinte. To je životni interes naše zemlje i svih građana koji ovde žive. Vreme ne radi za Srbiju. Nije stvar Amerike, EU, ili bilo koga drugog, da upozna bitne učesnike političkog i javnog života sa najbitnijim stvarima u međunarodnim odnosima naše zemlje, već je to obaveza vrha vlasti u Srbiji. Vreme je za državnicke odluke, a ne za političko kalkulanstvo, koje je posledica kukavičluka vlasti i populizma.